
Welcome to Documentation

This space contains information about the services and API provided by You'll find API documentation with examples, object model explanations, code snippets and integration best practices examples.

General Information

Please read about our max number of rooms or rates allowed per property here: Property Size Limits

Read about retention periods here and how we will remove old properties or disabled channels: Retention Period

Read about PCI here is you want to get card details from Channex: PCI Guide

Postman Collection

To make the integration process as easy as possible, we have prepared a Postman Collection with all our API methods. You can download collection and play with it at our staging server.

Sign up for the Staging Server

Please sign up here:

This will give you access to the test extranet to create rates and rooms and to view the ARI.

PMS Guide

To integrate with Channex we have made a guide to help you with what steps you should follow and links to the right parts of the API

PMS Guide

Create an API key

Go to your user profile:

How to make a key

How To use API key in Headers

Inside you can create an API key, please make 1 for all properties to get started.

Test Accounts to test Bookings

We have test accounts with booking and airbnb, so you can test real OTA bookings and also the modifications and cancellations.



Certification Process

When you are ready to certify please follow the tests here:

Please copy into the email

Feedback and Contacts

If you find any mistakes, spelling errors or inaccuracies in our documentation or need help, please let us know via email to

Last updated