Channex Shopping API

API Methods to get real time rates, availability and content from Channex.

These are API methods for META-like channel connections. If your application does not cache any information on your side about Properties, Availability and Restrictions, you can implement support for our Shopping API and use it to build your own Booking Engine or Meta Channel.

This API is for real time shopping of Channex API for all required details. Perfect for many applications as you don't need to cache anything on your side.

Coming Soon

Provider API Key to protect channel

Create Open Shopping Channel

Please sign up for a user at: to make an account and a test property with rooms and rates.

Then go to channels page and create a channel "Open Shopping Channel"

Please map some rooms and rates.

In our staging environment there will be a few properties on this channel so you will get results of many properties if you use property list API.

{{CHANNEL_NAME}} will be "OpenShopping" for your API integration. This will be replaced with your own name once you certify officially.

Properties List

Method to get a list of connected Properties.


  "data": [
      "attributes": {
        "address": "220125, RU, Moscow, Moscow, Zubovskaya 5",
        "city": "Moscow",
        "country": "RU",
        "description": "Excellent Hotel and Old City Centre",
        "id": "c1595b90-75f3-4b7e-b3c4-cf6a70f0d81d",
        "latitude": "11.001323",
        "longitude": "33.023321",
        "best_offer": "23.12",
        "photos": [],
        "state": "Moscow",
        "title": "Old City Centre",
        "zip_code": "220125"
      "id": "c1595b90-75f3-4b7e-b3c4-cf6a70f0d81d",
      "type": "property"
      "attributes": {
        "address": "SW1W 0AD, GB, London, 10 Chester Square",
        "city": "London",
        "country": "GB",
        "description": "Quiet hotel at heart of British capital",
        "id": "37d1c98a-bb20-4ca4-a8ce-bc1ee78d9455",
        "latitude": "51.4966440",
        "longitude": "-0.1476140",
        "best_offer": "18.47",
        "photos": [
            "url": "",
            "description": null,
            "author": null
        "state": null,
        "title": "Royal Hotel tbf",
        "zip_code": "SW1W 0AD"
      "id": "37d1c98a-bb20-4ca4-a8ce-bc1ee78d9455",
      "type": "property"
  "meta": {}

This endpoint supports filters by title, city, latitude, longitude, country , zip_code, state and address. To apply filter pass it as query argument: /property_list?filter[city]=Moscow

To get best_offer, please define checkin_date and checkout_date arguments:


To get only Available Properties, please use is_available argument. It will work only with checkin_date and checkout_date arguments and will return only Properties, available for bookings at provided time frame.


Filter can be combined with eq, gt, lt, gte, lte and has filtration arguments.

Example: Get all properties where title contain TIT


You can use our Photo Transformations to get photos fit to your design.

Get Property Info

Method to get Property Info by ID


  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "address": "SW1W 0AD, GB, London, 10 Chester Square",
      "city": "London",
      "country": "GB",
      "description": "Quiet hotel at heart of British capital",
      "id": "37d1c98a-bb20-4ca4-a8ce-bc1ee78d9455",
      "location": {
        "latitude": "51.4966440",
        "longitude": "-0.1476140",
      "facilities": [
        "Swimming Pool", "GYM"
      "photos": [
          "url": "",
          "description": null,
          "author": null
      "state": null,
      "title": "Royal Hotel tbf",
      "zip_code": "SW1W 0AD",
      "hotel_policy": {
        "checkin_from_time": "14:00",
        "checkin_to_time": "23:00",
        "checkout_from_time": "07:00",
        "checkout_to_time": "11:00",
        "children_max_age": null,
        "currency": "GBP",
        "infant_max_age": null,
        "internet_access_cost": null,
        "internet_access_coverage": "entire_property",
        "internet_access_type": "wifi",
        "is_adults_only": false,
        "max_count_of_guests": 4,
        "parking_is_private": true,
        "parking_reservation": "not_needed",
        "parking_type": "on_site",
        "pets_non_refundable_fee": null,
        "pets_policy": "not_allowed",
        "pets_refundable_deposit": null,
        "smoking_policy": "no_smoking",
        "title": "Default"
    "id": "37d1c98a-bb20-4ca4-a8ce-bc1ee78d9455",
    "type": "property_info"

Get Closed Dates

Method to get unavailable dates, dates closed to arrival and departure, min stay arrival and min stay through values.


  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "closed": [
      "closed_to_arrival": [
      "closed_to_departure": [
      "min_stay_arrival": {
        "2020-09-15": 2
      "min_stay_through": {
        "2020-09-16": 3
    "type": "closed_dates_list"

min_stay_arrival and min_stay_through will contain only dates where min stay value is greater than 1.

Get Rooms List

Method to get Rooms and Rates list


  "data": [
      "type": "room_with_rates",
      "id": "ROOM_ID",
      "attributes": {
        "id": "ROOM_ID",
        "title": "Room Title",
        "description": "Description",
        "bed_options": [
            "title": "Olympic Queen",
            "count": 2,
            "size": "90x200 CM"
        "facilities": ["facility 1", "facility 2"],
        "photos": [
            "url": "PHOTO_URL",
            "title": "title",
            "author": "author"
        "rate_plans": [
            "id": "RATE_PLAN_ID",
            "title": "Title",
            "occupancy": {
              "adults": 1,
              "children": 0,
              "infants": 0
            "meal_plan": "Bed & Breakfast",
            "price": "100.00",
            "cancellation_policy": {
              "cancellation_policy_deadline": 24,
              "cancellation_policy_deadline_type": "hours",
              "cancellation_policy_logic": "deadline",
              "cancellation_policy_mode": "nights",
              "cancellation_policy_penalty": "1",
              "currency": "GBP",
              "guarantee_payment_amount": null,
              "guarantee_payment_policy": "none",
              "non_show_policy": "default",
              "title": "24 Hours",
            "taxes": [
                "title": "Tax Title",
                "amount": "10.00",
                "inclusive": false,
                "rate": "10.00",
                "mode": "percent"

This method will return list of Rooms and Rate Plans. This method supports filter arguments:

  • checkin_date (Date at ISO format YYYY-MM-DD)

  • checkout_date (Date at ISO format YYYY-MM-DD)

  • length_of_stay (Integer)

Checkout_date is optional if you use length_of_stay and vice versa.

If the method is called without dates, it will return Rooms list without Rate Plans.

Create Booking

Method to create Bookings


  "booking": {
    "status": "new",

    "reservation_id": "{{UNIQUE_ID_FROM_OTA}}",

    "arrival_date": "2019-05-09",
    "departure_date": "2019-05-10",
    "arrival_hour": "10:00",

    "currency": "GBP",
    "payment_collect": "property",
    "payment_type": "credit_card",

    "customer": {
      "name": "User",
      "surname": "Channex",
      "country": "EN",
      "city": "London",
      "address": "101 Finsbury Pavement",
      "zip": "ec2a 1rs",
      "mail": "",
      "phone": "+44 444 4444 44 44",
      "language": "EB",
      "company": {
        "title": "",
        "number": "TAX NUMBER",
        "number_type": "VAT"
      "meta": {}

    "guarantee": {
      "expiration_date": "10/2020",
      "cvv": "123",
      "cardholder_name": "Channex User",
      "card_type": "visa",
      "card_number": "4111111111111111",
      "meta": {
        "virtual_card_currency_code": "GBP",
        "virtual_card_current_balance": 10000,
        "virtual_card_decimal_places": 2,
        "virtual_card_effective_date": "2020-02-02",
        "virtual_card_expiration_date": "2021-02-02"

    "rooms": [
        "index": 0,
        "room_type_code": "{{ROOM_TYPE_ID}}",
        "rate_plan_code": "{{RATE_PLAN_ID}}",
        "occupancy": {
          "adults": 1,
          "children": 0,
          "infants": 0
        "meta": {}

    "services": [
        "type": "Fee",
        "total_price": "100.00",
        "price_per_unit": "100.00",
        "price_mode": "Per stay",
        "persons": 0,
        "nights": 0,
        "name": "Cancellation Fee",
        "room_index": null
    "agent": {
      "name": "Seller Agent Name",
      "code": "XXX",
      "codeContext": "IATA",
      "phone": "+44444444444",
      "email": "",
      "address": {
        "addressLine": "Some cool street",
        "city": "Valletta",
        "countryCode": "MT",
        "stateCode": null,
        "postCode": "VLT 1234"
    "meta": {}

Please, keep in mind, if you pass Credit Card Information, you MUST use the secure endpoint:

Field description

status [required] String. Status of Booking, can be one of three values: new, modified, cancelled.

reservation_id [optional] String. Booking unique ID. For messages with status new can be empty, in that case Channex will generate unique UUID for booking.

arrival_date [required] String. Arrival Date represented as string with date in ISO 8601 format by mask YYYY-MM-DD.

departure_date [required] String. Departure Date represented as string with date in ISO 8601 format by mask YYYY-MM-DD.

arrival_hour [optional] String. Arrival Time represented as string with time in HH:MM format at 24h.

currency [required] String. Booking currency code. 3 symbols long string with Currency Alphabetic code based at ISO 4217.

payment_collect [optional] String. Information about payment collect point. If payment collected via OTA, it should be ota, in other case it should be property. Default value is property.

payment_type [optional] String. Information about how payment should be collected. Support bank_transfer or credit_card. Can be null if not specified. bank_transfer value suitable for OTA collect case.

meta [optional] Object. Free-form JSON object with additional information about booking.

Customer Fields

Information about the Customer (Who made the booking)

name [optional] String with maximum length of 255 symbols. Name of Customer.

surname [required] String with maximum length of 255 symbols. Surname of Customer.

country [optional] String. 2 symbols long string with Country Alpha-2 code based at ISO-3166-1.

city [optional] String with maximum length of 255 symbols. Customer City name.

address [optional] String with maximum length of 255 symbols. Customer Address.

zip [optional] String with maximum length of 32 symbols. Customer ZIP Code.

mail [optional] String with a valid email address. Customer Email address.

phone [optional] String with maximum length of 32 symbols. Can contain digits, spaces, brackets and special characters. Customer Phone number.

Please if possible pass in friendly format with country code like this example: +447749617211

This can be simple for the property to contact the guest.

language [optional] String. 2 symbols long string with language locale code.

company [optional] Object with information about Customer Company (if customer is Business). Can contain next fields:

  • title [optional] String with maximum length of 255 symbols.

  • number [optional] String with maximum length of 255 symbols. Tax Number.

  • number_type [optional] String with maximum length of 255 symbols. Tax Name (eg: VAT)

meta [optional] Object without any specific structure where you can pass any additional information about Customer.

Guarantee Fields

Information about the Credit Card.

If you'd like to pass information about the credit card you must use or (for production environment) endpoints. Otherwise the credit card will be masked without ability to restore the original card.

expiration_date [required] String with Card Expiration date in MM/YYYY format.

cvv [required] String with 3 or 4 numbers. Service code for payment systems.

cardholder_name [required] String. Cardholder name from Card front.

card_type [required] String. Card type name.

card_number [required] String. Card number.

meta [optional] Object. Can contain any additional information for booking recipient. Also, if you work with Virtual Credit Cards, you can use next fields:

  • virtual_card_currency_code Currency of virtual card

  • virtual_card_current_balance Current balance of virtual card as Integer value

  • virtual_card_decimal_places Info about decimal places at provided current_balance field

  • virtual_card_effective_date Date when card will be available to charge

  • virtual_card_expiration_date Date when card is expired

Booking Rooms

Booking rooms should be passed as Array of Objects. Each room object should contain information about room_type_code, occupancy, and days breakdown.

index [optional] Integer. Room Index to associate Services at Room level. Incremented value, start from 0.

room_type_code [required] String. Code of Room Type received at Get Rooms List operation.

rate_plan_code [required] String. Rate Plan Code received at Get Rooms List operation.

occupancy [required] Object with information about occupancy. Should contain next fields:

  • adults [required] Integer. Count of adults (persons older then 16 years old)

  • children [required] Integer. Count of children (persons between 2 and 16 years old)

  • infants [required] Integer. Count of infants (persons younger then 2 years old)

meta [optional] Object. Free-form JSON object with additional information about booking room.

Booking Services (Extras)

Services is Array of Objects to represent additional service or fees sold with bookings. Also, this field can contain Cancellation Fee when booking is cancelled with payment. Each object should contain next fields:

type [required] String. Type of Service. One of possible values: Meal, Fee, Extra

total_price [required] String. Total Service price.

price_per_unit [required] String. Price per one unit of Service.

price_mode [required] String. Service calculation price logic. One of possible values: Per stay, Per night, Per person, Per person per night

persons [required] Integer. Count of persons associated with Service.

nights [required] Integer. Count of nights associated with Service.

name [required] String. Name of service.

room_index [optional] Integer. Index of room which is associated with Service. Keep in mind, Room should have index.

Agent Info

Agent section will contain information about sales agent for current booking. Field is optional.

name [required] String. Sales agent company name.

code [optional] String. Sales agent code.

code_context [optional] String. Sales agent code context (IATA or else)

phone [optional] String. Sales agent phone number.

email [optional] String. Sales agent email address.

address [optional] Object. Sales agent address.

  • address_line String. Address.

  • city String. City name.

  • country_code String. 2 symbols country code by ISO.

  • state_code String. Optional. State code.

  • post_code String. Optional. Post code.

Modify or Cancel Booking

Method to modify or cancel Bookings.

When you call create Booking API, in response you will get unique_idfor your reservation. This Unique ID can looks like: OSA-99CAEF8F4E. To apply modification or Cancellation for existed booking you should get reservation_idwhich is part after -symbol from unique_id.

To modify booking, please use status modified. To cancel booking, please use status cancelled.


  "booking": {
    "status": "modified | cancelled",

    "reservation_id": "{{UNIQUE_ID_FROM_OTA}}",

    "arrival_date": "2019-05-09",
    "departure_date": "2019-05-10",
    "arrival_hour": "10:00",

    "currency": "GBP",
    "payment_collect": "property",
    "payment_type": "credit_card",

    "customer": {
      "name": "User",
      "surname": "Channex",
      "country": "EN",
      "city": "London",
      "address": "101 Finsbury Pavement",
      "zip": "ec2a 1rs",
      "mail": "",
      "phone": "+44 444 4444 44 44",
      "language": "EB",
      "company": {
        "title": "",
        "number": "TAX NUMBER",
        "number_type": "VAT"
      "meta": {}

    "guarantee": {
      "expiration_date": "10/2020",
      "cvv": "123",
      "cardholder_name": "Channex User",
      "card_type": "visa",
      "card_number": "4111111111111111",
      "meta": {
        "virtual_card_currency_code": "GBP",
        "virtual_card_current_balance": 10000,
        "virtual_card_decimal_places": 2,
        "virtual_card_effective_date": "2020-02-02",
        "virtual_card_expiration_date": "2021-02-02"

    "rooms": [
        "index": 0,
        "room_type_code": "{{ROOM_TYPE_ID}}",
        "rate_plan_code": "{{RATE_PLAN_ID}}",
        "occupancy": {
          "adults": 1,
          "children": 0,
          "infants": 0
        "meta": {}

    "services": [
        "type": "Fee",
        "total_price": "100.00",
        "price_per_unit": "100.00",
        "price_mode": "Per stay",
        "persons": 0,
        "nights": 0,
        "name": "Cancellation Fee",
        "room_index": null
    "agent": {
      "name": "Seller Agent Name",
      "code": "XXX",
      "codeContext": "IATA",
      "phone": "+44444444444",
      "email": "",
      "address": {
        "addressLine": "Some cool street",
        "city": "Valletta",
        "countryCode": "MT",
        "stateCode": null,
        "postCode": "VLT 1234"
    "meta": {}

Please, keep in mind, if you pass Credit Card Information, you MUST use the secure endpoint:

Last updated

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