Property Size Limits


To prevent system abuse and ensure API stability, we have to make sure properties are not too large. Big properties can cause issues if there are too many rate plans or rooms and rates and affect other users and properties.

Property Size Limits for Vacation Rental

Room Types: Max 50

Rate Plans: Max 10 Per Room Type

Property Size Limits for Hotel

Room Types: Max 20

Rate Plans: Max 10 Per Room Type

Best practices to avoid issues:

  • Make sure you use "Per Person" rate plans instead of making a rate plan per occupancy

  • Try not to make a rate plan per OTA

  • If you have vacation Rental you should make a property per apartment instead of putting all into one Channex property

Example: A client with 100 apartments

Instead of 1 property with 100 room types in Channex, This should be 100 properties in Channex with 1 room type each. This is more correct since each apartment will have its own address and details.

What if I need a more rooms or rates for a property?

We can manually change limits for a certain property on a case by case basis. Please let us know

Last updated