Hopper Homes
Hopper has partnered with Channex to sync your listings, rates, and availability
Signup for a Hopper Hosting Account
You’ll receive an email from Hopper Homes. Click on Join Hopper Hosting to set a password.
Click Yes for integrating with a PMS, Select Channex from the drop down menu
Step-by-step guide:
Sign into Channex, if your a PMS user with no access please contact your PMS system
Select Channels → Create
Choose “Hopper Homes” from the channel list
Provide a suitable name for your channel connection
Use the the email you used to signup for a Hopper Hosting Account as your Host Email and enter your name
Click Create Host
Select Listings tab at the top
Click Create and select the associated property and room type
Complete the Listing Details and hit Save
Select Actions and Activate to activate the listing
Select Mapping from the tabs. Click on Not Mapped and select the associated room to map the listing and the property’s room and rate
Save data
Select Actions beside the Hopper Homes Channel and and select Activate
You’re now live on Hopper Homes!
Be sure to use the same email address with Channex that you signed up with Hopper
Don't delete the channel after you made it otherwise you will not be able to reconnect and you will have to make a new account with a new email address with Hopper (They don't allow to reconnect old accounts)
Last updated
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