How to connect Channex to Apaleo
How do I open a Channex account?
You need to contact Channex first to setup an account
How to connect the account to Apaleo
Find the Channex app in the Apaleo Store.
Click “Connect to Apaleo” link.
Confirm the permissions required for Channex to connect to your Apaleo account.
In Channex it will ask you wich property you would like to connect or create a new property in Channex
Then you should be able to see Apaleo in the app section to map the rooms and rate plans
Warning: The connection to Apaleo is on the user level, so make sure you have only 1 Apaleo account. If you have multiple accounts in Apaleo please let us know first. One Apaleo account can have multiple properties, this is only for the case for multiple accounts.
How to check all is connected properly?
You should make sure all rooms and rates are mapped
Then check inventory page that all the availability and prices are the same as in the PMS.
If there are any issues please contact support
Last updated
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