Instant Booking Page
This is the Channex booking engine which is free to use and has no costs of fees.
Step 0: Content Requirements
Before you add the Instant Booking Page Channel we will require you to edit the property and make sure some key things have content. Without content like images and cancellation policy the instant booking page will not be usable
To activate the channel we will check:
latitude & longitude (Map location is set)
at least one cancellation_policy
at least one facility
at least one photo
at least one property_description
All these content settings can be found by editing the property, for more details please check this help file:
Channel Mapping
Mapping the channel is simple, just select which rooms and rates you wish to sell online.
Readiness Check
We will list here any content that is missing to enable the channel
Slug Label: This field is to simplify your URL link so instead of showing your ID in the URL it will show the text instead
Send Booking Notification Email: We can send you a booking notification on any bookings
Request Credit Card: Should the booking engine ask for credit card or not
Hide Logo: You can hide your logo
Hide Title: Hide your property name (If your logo has the name instead
Billing Info is required: Do you need to capture the full address or let them book without
Exact Match: This setting will simplify the results to show only the exact match to what they searched. So if they searched for 2 adults we don't show the 1 person rates.
Children Pricing
The booking engine can support children but you need the right kind of setup first
Rate plan must be "Per Person" type
Hotel Policy must have child ages filled in
Rate Plan should have children fee details added
Last updated
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