Hotel Policy is entity to represent general rules applicable at Property.
Hotel Policy List
Retrieve list of Hotel Policies associated with user Properties.
Request Success Response Error Response
Copy GET
Success Response Example
Status Code: 200 OK
Copy {
"data": [
"attributes": {
"checkin_time": "14:00",
"checkout_time": "13:00",
"currency": "GBP",
"id": "cfe101bf-126c-4031-8d73-27739929329a",
"internet_access_cost": null,
"internet_access_coverage": "entire_property",
"internet_access_type": "wifi",
"is_adults_only": false,
"max_count_of_guests": 20,
"parking_is_private": true,
"parking_reservation": "needed",
"parking_type": "on_site",
"pets_non_refundable_fee": "0.00",
"pets_policy": "allowed",
"refundable_deposit": "0.00",
"smoking_policy": "no_smoking",
"title": "Hotel Policy"
"id": "cfe101bf-126c-4031-8d73-27739929329a",
"type": "hotel_policy"
"meta": {
"limit": 10,
"page": 1,
"total": 1
Unauthorised Error Response
Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
Copy {
"errors": {
"code": "unauthorized",
"title": "Unauthorized"
By default, this method return first 10 element. To get more details, you should use Pagination arguments.
Information about count of entities and current pagination position contained at meta
section at response object.
Method can return a Success result with 200 OK
HTTP Code if operation is successful. Will contain a list of Hotel Policy objects in the answer.
Unauthorised Error
Method can return a Unauthorised Error result with 401 Unauthorized
HTTP Code if wrong Bearer Token provided.
Get Hotel Policy by ID
Retrieve specific Hotel Policy by ID.
Request Success Response Error Response
Copy GET
Success Response Example
Status Code: 200 OK
Copy {
"data": {
"attributes": {
"checkin_time": "14:00",
"checkout_time": "13:00",
"currency": "GBP",
"id": "cfe101bf-126c-4031-8d73-27739929329a",
"internet_access_cost": null,
"internet_access_coverage": "entire_property",
"internet_access_type": "wifi",
"is_adults_only": false,
"max_count_of_guests": 20,
"parking_is_private": true,
"parking_reservation": "needed",
"parking_type": "on_site",
"pets_non_refundable_fee": "0.00",
"pets_policy": "allowed",
"refundable_deposit": "0.00",
"smoking_policy": "no_smoking",
"title": "Hotel Policy"
"id": "cfe101bf-126c-4031-8d73-27739929329a",
"type": "hotel_policy"
Unauthorised Error Response
Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
Copy {
"errors": {
"code": "unauthorized",
"title": "Unauthorized"
Not Found Error
Status Code: 404 Not Found
Copy {
"errors": {
"code": "not_found",
"title": "Resouce Not Found"
Method can return a Success result with 200 OK
HTTP Code if operation is successful. Will contain a Hotel Policy object in the answer.
Unauthorised Error
Method can return a Unauthorised Error result with 401 Unauthorized
HTTP Code if wrong Bearer Token provided or User not have access to requested Hotel Policy.
Not Found Error
Method can return a Not Found Error result with 404 Not Found
HTTP Code if Hotel Policy with provided ID is not present at system.
Create Hotel Policy
Create new Hotel Policy.
Request Success Response Error Response
Query body (JSON):
Copy {
"hotel_policy": {
"title": "Hotel Policy",
"currency": "GBP",
"is_adults_only": false,
"max_count_of_guests": 20,
"checkin_time": "14:00",
"checkout_time": "13:00",
"internet_access_type": "wifi",
"internet_access_cost": null,
"internet_access_coverage": "entire_property",
"parking_type": "on_site",
"parking_reservation": "needed",
"parking_is_private": true,
"pets_policy": "allowed",
"pets_non_refundable_fee": "0.00",
"pets_refundable_deposit": "0.00",
"smoking_policy": "no_smoking"
Success Response Example
Status Code: 201 Created
Copy {
"data": {
"attributes": {
"checkin_time": "14:00",
"checkout_time": "13:00",
"currency": "GBP",
"id": "cfe101bf-126c-4031-8d73-27739929329a",
"internet_access_cost": null,
"internet_access_coverage": "entire_property",
"internet_access_type": "wifi",
"is_adults_only": false,
"max_count_of_guests": 20,
"parking_is_private": true,
"parking_reservation": "needed",
"parking_type": "on_site",
"pets_non_refundable_fee": "0.00",
"pets_policy": "allowed",
"refundable_deposit": "0.00",
"smoking_policy": "no_smoking",
"title": "Hotel Policy"
"id": "cfe101bf-126c-4031-8d73-27739929329a",
"type": "hotel_policy"
Unauthorised Error Response
Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
Copy {
"errors": {
"code": "unauthorized",
"title": "Unauthorized"
Validation Error Response
Status Code: 422 Unprocessable Entity
Copy {
"errors": {
"code": "validation_error",
"title": "Validation Error",
"details": {
"title": [
"can't be blank"
title [required]
String with Hotel Policy title.
currency [required]
3 symbols long string with Currency Alphabetic code based at ISO 4217 .
is_adults_only [optional]
Boolean value to represent allow Property children or not.
max_count_of_guests [required]
Any positive number that represent how many guests can stay at Property at same time.
checkin_time [required]
Default checkin time in HH:MM
checkout_time [required]
Default checkout time in HH:MM
internet_access_type [required]
One of predefined values: none
, wifi
, wired
internet_access_coverage [required]
One of predefined values: entire_property
, public_areas
, all_rooms
, some_rooms
, business_centre
internet_access_cost [optional]
Null or position number.
Field represent cost of internet access. If internet access is free, leave this field empty by passing null value.
parking_type [required]
One of predefined values: on_site
, nearby
, none
parking_reservation [required]
One of predefined values: not_available
, not_needed
, needed
parking_is_private [required]
Boolean value to represent type of parking.
pets_policy [required]
One of predefined values: allowed
, not_allowed
, by_arrangements
, assistive_only
pets_non_refundable_fee [required]
Positive number.
If your property charge non refundable fee for pets accommodation, provide it amount here.
pets_refundable_deposit [required]
Positive number.
If your property charge refundable deposit for pets accommodation, provide it amount here.
smoking_policy [required]
One of predefined values: no_smoking
, permitted_areas_only
, allowed
Method can return a Success result with 201 Created
HTTP Code if operation is successful. Will contain a Hotel Policy object in the answer.
Unauthorised Error
Method can return a Unauthorised Error result with 401 Unauthorized
HTTP Code if wrong Bearer Token provided.
Validation Error
Method can return a Validation Error result with 422 Unprocessable Entity
HTTP Code if any validation rule is failed.
Update Hotel Policy
Update Hotel Policy.
Request Success Response Error Response
Copy PUT
Query body (JSON):
Copy {
"hotel_policy": {
"title": "Hotel Policy",
"currency": "GBP",
"is_adults_only": false,
"max_count_of_guests": 20,
"checkin_time": "14:00",
"checkout_time": "13:00",
"internet_access_type": "wifi",
"internet_access_cost": null,
"internet_access_coverage": "entire_property",
"parking_type": "on_site",
"parking_reservation": "needed",
"parking_is_private": true,
"pets_policy": "allowed",
"pets_non_refundable_fee": "0.00",
"pets_refundable_deposit": "0.00",
"smoking_policy": "no_smoking"
Success Response Example
Status Code: 200 OK
Copy {
"hotel_policy": {
"title": "Hotel Policy",
"currency": "GBP",
"is_adults_only": false,
"max_count_of_guests": 20,
"checkin_time": "14:00",
"checkout_time": "13:00",
"internet_access_type": "wifi",
"internet_access_cost_type": "free",
"internet_access_cost": null,
"internet_access_coverage": "entire_property",
"parking_type": "on_site",
"parking_reservation": "needed",
"parking_is_private": true,
"pets_policy": "allowed",
"pets_non_refundable_fee": "0.00",
"pets_refundable_deposit": "0.00",
"smoking_policy": "no_smoking"
Unauthorised Error Response
Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
Copy {
"errors": {
"code": "unauthorized",
"title": "Unauthorized"
Not Found Error
Status Code: 404 Not Found
Copy {
"errors": {
"code": "resource_not_found"
"title": "Resource Not Found"
Validation Error Response
Status Code: 422 Unprocessable Entity
Copy {
"errors": {
"code": "validation_error",
"title": "Validation Error",
"details": {
"url": [
"can't be blank"
This method use same fields as Create Hotel Policies method.
Method can return a Success result with 200 OK
HTTP Code if operation is successful. Will contain a Hotel Policy object in the answer.
Unauthorised Error
Method can return a Unauthorised Error result with 401 Unauthorized
HTTP Code if wrong Bearer Token provided.
Not Found Error
Method can return a Not Found Error result with 404 Not Found
HTTP Code if Hotel Policy with provided ID is not present at system.
Validation Error
Method can return a Validation Error result with 422 Unprocessable Entity
HTTP Code if any validation rule is failed.
Remove Hotel Policy
Remove Hotel Policy.
Request Success Response Error Response
Success Response Example
Status Code: 200 OK
Copy {
"meta": {
"message": "Success"
Unauthorised Error Response
Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
Copy {
"errors": {
"code": "unauthorized",
"title": "Unauthorized"
Not Found Error
Status Code: 404 Not Found
Copy {
"errors": {
"code": "resource_not_found"
"title": "Resource Not Found"
Method can return a Success result with 200 OK
HTTP Code if operation is successful. Will contain a Meta object with message in the answer.
Unauthorised Error
Method can return a Unauthorised Error result with 401 Unauthorized
HTTP Code if wrong Bearer Token provided.
Not Found Error
Method can return a Not Found Error result with 404 Not Found
HTTP Code if Hotel Policy with provided ID is not present at system.