To represent Taxes associated with Property and Rate Plans at you can use Taxes and Tax Sets.
Entity which represent specific tax applicable to your Rate Plan or Property. Example: VAT 20%, City Tax 1 EUR per Guest per Night or any other.
Tax Sets
Entity which represent group of Taxes applicable to your Rate Plan or Property.
Each property can have many Tax Sets and Taxes, but only one can be selected as Default Tax Set. Default Tax Set will be applied to each new Rate Plan automatically.
Method can return a Success result with 200 OK HTTP Code if operation is successful. Will contain a list of Tax objects in the answer.
Unauthorised Error
Method can return a Unauthorised Error result with 401 Unauthorized HTTP Code if wrong Bearer Token provided.
Method can return a Success result with 200 OK HTTP Code if operation is successful. Will contain a Tax object in the answer.
Unauthorised Error
Method can return a Unauthorised Error result with 401 Unauthorized HTTP Code if wrong Bearer Token provided or User not have access to requested Tax.
Not Found Error
Method can return a Not Found Error result with 404 Not Found HTTP Code if Tax with provided ID is not present at system.
Any non-empty string with maximum length of 255 symbols.
Note: The Group will be represented in the system under that title.
logic [required]
One of possible values: percent , per_room, per_room_per_night, per_person, per_person_per_night, per_night, per_booking
type [required]
One of possible values: tax, fee, city tax.
rate [required]
String value with amount applicable to tax. If logic is percent, can be between 0 and 100 only. At other cases, represent fixed amount of tax.
currency [required]*
Required only of logic is not percent. Should a valid currency code. Represent Tax amount currency.
is_inclusive [required]
Boolean value. Represent include tax into room price or should be added atop.
property_id [required]
UUID. Relation to associated Property.
skip_nights [optional]
Positive Integer value. Represent count of days what should be skipped at tax calculation. Useful for long-stay taxes, which should be applied from 8 day of stay.
max_nights [optional]
Positive Integer value. Represent max count of days what should be used as a taxable base for this Tax. Useful for long-stay or short-stay taxes when tax should be applied only for first 7 days of stay.
applicable_date_ranges [optional]
List of applicable date ranges, represented as an object:
"after": "2024-01-01",
"before": "2024-12-31"
Where after and before is a valid date at ISO format.
This ranges define a ranges of dates when this tax should be applied. Useful to define periodical City Tax or Touristic Tax which is applicable for High Season. Example: Touristic Tax should be collected from 1 June to 31 August. At other dates this Tax is not applied.
You can define up to 20 date ranges.
Method can return a Success result with 201 Created HTTP Code if operation is successful. Will contain a Tax object in the answer.
Unauthorised Error
Method can return a Unauthorised Error result with 401 Unauthorized HTTP Code if wrong Bearer Token provided.
Validation Error
Method can return a Validation Error result with 422 Unprocessable Entity HTTP Code if any validation rule is failed.
Method can return a Success result with 200 OK HTTP Code if operation is successful. Will contain a Tax object in the answer.
Unauthorised Error
Method can return a Unauthorised Error result with 401 Unauthorized HTTP Code if wrong Bearer Token provided.
Not Found Error
Method can return a Not Found Error result with 404 Not Found HTTP Code if Tax with provided ID is not present at system.
Validation Error
Method can return a Validation Error result with 422 Unprocessable Entity HTTP Code if any validation rule is failed.
Method can return a Success result with 200 OK HTTP Code if operation is successful. Will contain a list of Tax Set objects in the answer.
Unauthorised Error
Method can return a Unauthorised Error result with 401 Unauthorized HTTP Code if wrong Bearer Token provided.
Get Tax Set by ID
Retrieve specific Tax Set associated with User by ID.
Method can return a Success result with 200 OK HTTP Code if operation is successful. Will contain a Tax Set object in the answer.
Unauthorised Error
Method can return a Unauthorised Error result with 401 Unauthorized HTTP Code if wrong Bearer Token provided or User not have access to requested Tax Set.
Not Found Error
Method can return a Not Found Error result with 404 Not Found HTTP Code if Tax Set with provided ID is not present at system.
Any non-empty string with maximum length of 255 symbols.
Note: The Tax Set will be represented in the system under that title.
property_id [required]
UUID of Property which is associated with Tax Set.
Note: If it is first Tax Set for Property, it will be automatically installed as default_tax_set for this property.
currency [required]*
String. Should a valid currency code. Represent Tax Set currency.
taxes [required]
List of object with associated taxes IDs. Can contain another taxes inside.
associated_rate_plan_ids [optional]
List of Strings which represent Rate Plan UUID which should be associated with created / updated Tax Set.
Method can return a Success result with 201 Created HTTP Code if operation is successful. Will contain a Tax Set object in the answer.
Unauthorised Error
Method can return a Unauthorised Error result with 401 Unauthorized HTTP Code if wrong Bearer Token provided.
Validation Error
Method can return a Validation Error result with 422 Unprocessable Entity HTTP Code if any validation rule is failed.
Update Tax Set
Update a Tax Set.
Query body (JSON):
"tax": {
"title": "New Tax Set Title",
"associated_rate_plan_ids": ["77229f71-8c8f-4d79-92ed-749002407267"]
Method can return a Success result with 200 OK HTTP Code if operation is successful. Will contain a Tax Set object in the answer.
Unauthorised Error
Method can return a Unauthorised Error result with 401 Unauthorized HTTP Code if wrong Bearer Token provided.
Not Found Error
Method can return a Not Found Error result with 404 Not Found HTTP Code if Tax Set with provided ID is not present at system.
Validation Error
Method can return a Validation Error result with 422 Unprocessable Entity HTTP Code if any validation rule is failed.